Shoulder pads・Sleeve Headings / Non-Woven Fabrics・Fusible Interlinings・Collar Interfacings / Hair Cloth Interlinings

Shoulder pads・Sleeve Headings

Provide beautiful bulkiness, keep good silhouette, and prevent wrinkles of suits, jackets, and coats. We have a wide range of thickness, shapes, and materials depending on your designs and silhouette in accordance with usage.

Non-Woven Fabrics・Fusible Interlinings・Collar Interfacings

Shape retention to complement shell fabric, formability to keep good silhouette, and essential for garment production. By putting powder adhesive on the surface of fabrics, and press with heat, they get attached to shell fabrics. We have basic items made from woven fabrics, non-woven fabrics excellent in cost-performance, and knit fabrics with good stretch.

Hair Cloth Interlinings

Woven fabrics that keep silhouette of suits, jackets, coats by forming and supporting from inside. We have full canvasses excellent in tenseness, stiffness and shape retention, chest interlinings used for chest and shoulder parts, washable types made from polyester.

We welcome your inquiries and comments.